Peru People's Movement

October 1997, Lima, Peru


The victories of the Communist Party of Peru (PCP), the People’s Army of Liberation (EPL), People’s Front of Liberation (FPL), and the New Power (NP) in 1997 all show the decisive advance of the strategic equilibrium in the People’s War, and highlight an element of the bloody struggle for Power.

While the Revolution, led by the proletarian vanguard and political center of the people, the PCP, applies its plans and timetables responsibly, accurately, precisely and with the revolutionary Marxist consistency, Reaction debates itself in unsalvageable political, social moral and military decomposition, and desperately and cowardly executes attempts to annihilate the Revolution and establish a “peace” helpful to the interests of the big, imperialist, monopolistic and internationally financed oligarchy - all under the orders of Yankee Imperialism.

But there will be no “peace of cemeteries” because the PCP is waging the Revolution guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, mainly Gonzalo Thought and leading the People’s Army (EPL), and the construction of the New State in accordance with the STRATEGIC PLAN FOR THE CONQUEST OF POWER, now set in motion by the Strategic Equilibrium. The goal and the inevitable result of this bloody struggle for power is the complete triumph of the People’s War and the establishment of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF PERU!


The bankruptcy of the social base of the old landlord-capitalist State lies at the very roots of the republican history of Peru. The People’s War leads to the defeat of the exploiters at all levels, preparing the groundwork to develop Peru as a People’s Democracy.

The People’s War has fractured, defeated and crushed the possibility of perpetuating the Old State, which is a Dictatorship of the Imperialists, the Big Landlords and Capitalists. Doing away with authorities, institutions and systems of government of the Old State, has been the main achievement of the Democratic Revolution in the past decade. A NEW DEMOCRACY AND A NEW POWER OF THE CLASSES, WHICH MAKE UP THE PEOPLE has replaced the old authorities in thousands of towns, districts, provinces, departments and regions of Peru.

The Strategic Equilibrium has led to the extreme polarization of Peruvian society as exemplified by the fact that the Armed Forces - the genocidal Army - is the only entity and institution that has the capacity of defending and upholding the landlord-capitalist dictatorship besieged by the PCP and the New Power. All other institutions and appendages to the reactionaries are no longer capable of aiding in the attempts to hold up the Old State. Neither the rubber stamp parliament, the judiciary power, the reactionary political parties, Revisionists included (counter revolutionaries disguised as Leftists), nor the mantle of the evangelical and ecclesiastical hierarchy with their murderous priests who “kill for God” Inquisition style - nor any other social institution can fulfill its role in keeping the corpse of the Old State alive.

For the above reasons, Fujimori has now launched a campaign to criticize the corruption within those very same institutions which he himself heads! This servant of Imperialism and commissioned salesman of his country’s assets and labor (assuming he is not a Japanese), this murderer of innocent children, women, and political prisoners who have claws in their hands, this corrupt terrorist is now utilizing the most strident demagoguery to attack the institutions which defend and sustain him so as to bind all the reactionary forces to his useless political plans. Using the carrot of greater privileges and earnings and the stick of blackmail and threats of replacement by his military bodyguards, Fujimori aims to bring these institutions and individuals under his sole authority, as a fascist Japanese chieftain, adorned as the “Inca Pachutic.”

In this manner, Fujimori will have a free hand to execute new timetables to speed up his genocidal “excesses” with more State Terrorism in a vain attempt to defeat the People’s War.

“The state has collapsed.” These are the words that the mercenaries and incompetent cabinet members of the regime cry out in one voice. Therefore, by the orders of the U.S. State Department (C.I.A.) and the Pentagon, plans to restructure the State and reinvigorate bureaucratic capitalism are frantically being developed and implemented, plans which these reactionaries label as “a globalization,” “modernization,” “privatization,” and “pacification.”

The expenditure of all this frenzied energy will be in vain, leading only to the “achievement” of more failures. The economy is in shambles. In 1997 more than 80% of the population of Peru is underemployed and unemployed. Furthermore, the Peruvian people already REJECT the old state with its tyranny disguised as bourgeois “democracy.” Fujimori only received 18% of the votes of the registered voters in the 1995 election! What else can he be but an illegitimate puppet “president?” How about the military coup of 1992 when he dismantled Congress and the judiciary? More importantly, the People’s War cannot be annihilated. On the contrary, it is developing and strengthening daily in all regions of Peru!

The Fujimori terrorist regime is a failure. Fujimori’s own deadlines and measures are constantly being altered and overturned by the advances of the NEW POWER SUSTAINED BY THE PEOPLE’S WAR. The reactionary armed forces -who precipitated these reactionary measures - are now sharpening their knives, and getting ready, with their own words, to “get out of this one or die.” Therefore, the military has openly made “strategic alliances” with drug traffickers in order to maintain the employment of mercenary troops with bribes. Yet, despite these bribes, many soldiers choose desertion over murdering their own people!

In the last four years, the achievements of Fujimori and his cronies Hermoza Rios and Vladimiro Montesinos who run the old state are as follows:

  1. More hunger.

  2. More poverty.

  3. More cholera and TB epidemics.

  4. More unemployment.

  5. More hardships and cut in social services for the people.

Despite of these facts, Fujimori attempts to show to the big bourgeoisie and his masters, Clinton and the Yankee monopolists and bankers, that there is:

  1. “Confidence.”

  2. “Security.”

  3. “Rules of the game.”

  4. “Stabilization.”

  5. “Profitability.”

  6. “Improvement of the situation.”

  7. “Pacification.”

  8. “Business opportunities,” etc.

Thus, the dictator following the advice of his masters is frantically trying to cook up a sugar- coated fantasy as an antidote to the sour drink that is the reality, in an attempt to attract foreign investments which are diminishing daily. The Wall Street Journal hit the nail on the head on November 22, 1995: “Invest in Peru? Best to Get Out!”

In desperation, the terrorist Fujimori dictatorship announced to the world its timetable to confront and defeat the People’s War in the legislative decree: “Pacification Directive 003,” to be enacted by the joint command of the armed forces. The fascists have placed their souls and destinies on this futile hope of a short term salvation and perpetuation of the dictatorship. Toward this end, they fired the Constitutional Tribunal (Supreme Court) justices in their attempt to reelect Fujimori for a third presidential term.


The years 1996 and 1997, show very clearly the failures and difficulties of the reactionary plans to confront the advance of the People’s War. According to the Fujimori dictatorship and its Yankee master, the genocides perpetuated daily by the armed forces must be shown as “excesses by certain individuals.” The disinformation, manipulation, and censorship of the press must be shown as “objectivity.” The terrorist dictatorship’s mortgage of the nation by way of imperialist “reinsertion” (i.e., a greater foreign debt) must be applauded in the bankers’ press as a “necessity to get out of the crisis.” The increasing poverty and misery of the people as a result of its economic policies must be presented as an “inherited problem from the past.” The empty rhetoric of “human rights” is used to oppose the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE. And finally, in order to justify the presence of Yankee troops for the satisfaction of the communicative media, the “fight against narcoterrorism” is used which refers to some fake OAS (Organization of American States) and United Nations “charter,” two international organizations in the service of the imperialist powers, serving the purpose of legalizing the exploitation, oppression and then invasion of the peoples of the world as has been shown in Panama, Iraq, Chechnia, Cambodia, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Albania, etc.

In addition, as part of the “pacification” program, a psychological warfare campaign has been launched to shape public opinion favorable to the imperialist plans. In an attempt to confuse and deceive the population, propaganda about “democracy and solidarity” is conducted widely to cover up the annihilation, extermination, rape, torture and “disappearance” of any person who even mildly supports or sympathizes with the just rebellion of the workers and peasant masses, such as THE PEOPLE’S WAR. The true meaning of the low intensity warfare is to attempt to halt the rising and victorious People’s War in Peru.

But the “new” strategies of the terrorist Fujimori and the macabre reactionary plans of Yankee imperialism are Utopian, with fracture and rupture points, since they are faulted at the base. They are too late in pretending to apply these plans, after more than a decade of defeats of the old State and its armed and police forces. After the economic structure collapsed and the system of government maintaining the old state was deeply shaken, the bureaucratic State machine found itself in its worst crisis and in response launched bloody striking blows against the unarmed masses trying to revitalize itself and survive. But, facts have shown that the blood shed by the people does not drown the revolution, to the contrary it makes it stronger. The PCP, the People’s War and the New State have laid down their roots in the people and in all of Peru, therefore, the conquest of power is inevitable!


Fujimori’s Army Perpetuates Crimes Taking the Name of the PCP. Finding themselves powerless before the advancing People’s War, the genocidal Fujimori and his National Intelligence Service (SIN) have desperately formed “death squads” such as the infamous “Colina Group.” (See the Human Rights section of this page). These “death squads” commit their crimes disguised as fighters of the People’s Army of Liberation, carrying our red flag with the hammer and sickle. In 1983-84, these fascist shock troops first appeared using the name of the PCP and leaving behind mutilated corpses in the streets of Ayacucho, Peru’s south-central region. In 1983 a squad of the Special Forces of the Army invaded the town of Hualla (Huamnanguilla district, Huanta province, Ayacucho) disguised as peasants and waving the red flag of the proletariat. In an attempt to discredit the PCP, they murdered and tortured people, raped women and sacked the town. But the plans of these fascists backfired when they were caught and punished by the people. The PCP is immersed in the masses like the fish in the water. So, the reactionaries can’t fool the masses.

All of these brutal attacks against the people have been reported as actions of the “Shining Path” by the radio and television stations, and by the legal “left” opportunists. And the foreign press and the U.S. State Department have relayed this hoax to the peoples of all nations. But the people of Peru know that these atrocities are alien to the political and military strategy of the PCP and are the exact opposite of the actions of the brave fighters engaged in the People’s War. All of these sinister fabrications have been exposed, crushed and swept away by the advancing People’s War.


In 1997, the People’s War, has made major advances in the Maoist tactic of Mobile Warfare. Corridors have been opened up in the northern and southern borders to facilitate incursions into those areas as well as in the rest of the country. Military operations now cover vast territory. A well planned and well executed political and military strategy has allowed the People’s Army (EPL) to maintain the initiative in the People’s War. Therefore, the EPL has increased its ability to penetrate into enemy territory with greater firepower, delivering demolishing blows to the elite troops of the armed forces and the paramilitary bands of the big landlords and narcotraffickers (the so-called “civil rondas” and “mesnadas.”)

With the New Strategic Plan of Building the Conquest of Power, Mobile Warfare opens up the way to form and consolidate more and bigger units of the people’s army. The War of Positions helps to complement the inexorable march towards the conquest of power throughout the country.

The victories on the battlefield confirm that the proletarian military line, applied and developed by the PCP and its Central Committee is superior to the imperialist strategy of “low intensity warfare.” The People’s Army, led by the PCP, has the initiative.


The Army’s tactic of creating civilian patrols in the cities called “Urban Rondas” as part of its overall strategy of ‘Civic Action’’ has proven to be a dismal failure. These units are formed at bayonet point and other forms of coercion. This tactic was engineered by the Yankee Imperialist “counterinsurgency war school” in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and is the result of the lessons learned, beginning with the experience of the Vietnamese “Pacification Plan” more than thirty years ago. Just as that plan was a total disaster for US Imperialism, so are the “Urban Rondas” now, with only 5% still remaining. The other 95% wander aimlessly, not sure whether to disband or to fight against their masters. More and more they are beginning to realize that they are being used as cannon fodder and protective shields in the Army’s war against the PCP. The PCP doesn’t target indiscriminately against the masses who were coerced to join these paramilitary groups rather it penetrates them aiming selectively against the “black heads” (leaders of those groups who are generally army or police veterans.)

Another aspect of the “Civic Action” is the distribution of food stuff donated by the Yankee Imperialists as a “war investment.” The food from the US is first delivered to the US Ambassador at the el Callao Maritime Terminal, where it is placed under the “custody” and control of the officers of the Armed Forces and the relatives and cronies of Fujimori (Ministry of the Presidency.)

These “guardians of the people” then steal flour, oil, milk, medicine and other food in order to sell it all on the Black Market. The rotten “left overs” are then given out to the masses in the poor neighborhoods and in the shanty towns as a condition they participate in TV staged rallies for Fujimori. These great examples of the “Civic Action” of the Armed Forces are carried out with enormous fanfare and publicity in a vain attempt to fool the masses and the world that the murderer Fujimori is a legitimate “popular President.”

“Search and Seize Operations” (combing out) and “Civic Action” are two sides of the same coin. “Combing out” refers to the Army’s tactic of surrounding the masses in the poor neighborhoods and then “combing” through them by arresting some of them on different pretexts. The rest are registered on lists as “beneficiaries” of the alms. “Registration” starts a chain reaction that leads to even more genocide. During this procedure the masses are subjected to a house search, and all those suspected of being “subversive elements” are dragged off to jail. The masses are thus blackmailed and forced into submission or face the accusation of “terrorist.” Here the Army terrorizes the potential able-bodied fighters into joining the “Urban Rondas” and other paramilitary bands.

These “Combing Out” combined with “Civic Action” operations take place in poor Lima neighborhoods, such as “Los Olivos,” “Boca Negra,” “Huaycan,” “Raucana,” “Castilla” in El Callao, Canto Grande, Villa el Salvador, Anc’on, Horacio Zeballos, Amauta, Jicamarca, y Huachipa. Like the cowards they are, the Army goes after suspected “terrorists” in the middle of the night, labeling people as “Tucos” (Army slang for Maoist fighters) who are then tortured, murdered or disappeared.

Comrades and friends! These brutal acts of the reactionary Army of Fujimori do not stop the Revolution. On the contrary, the resistance and the struggle of the courageous and just Peruvian people is expanding. For every fallen comrade a hundred will rise! Thus, the People’s War grows unstoppably.

The Armed Forces’ “Civic Action” is a tremendous failure because it is impossible to restore presence of the Old State system of government and because it is impossible to solve any of the problems of the masses using such methods. The “Civic Action” cannot even advance the sinister plan of throwing the “masses against masses” using the “Urban Rondas” and other paramilitary groups in order to isolate the PCP from the masses. In summary, what the genocidal armed forces of the old landlord-capitalist State is hatching is a strategic failure of such a magnitude that will inevitably cause the Army not only to lose more battles but the war itself.


Just as the genocidal Garcia Perez gave away pistols and shotguns to the armed bands (mesnadas) of the big landlords and narcotraffickers, Fujimori gives away still more shotguns and rifles to his puppies, the mesnadas in sundry places of Peru!

Fujimori is setting up paramilitary bases consisting of peasants under the direction of his Yankee Imperialist masters in an attempt to erect “strategic villages” just like those set up by the Yankees in their Imperialist War Against Vietnam. But this tactic too will fail miserably and self-destruct.

At the mesnadas paramilitary bases the mechanisms of social control used by the old state do not work. First of all, the purpose of the mesnadas is to protect, maintain and fatten the genocidal armed forces and to prop up by violence the privileges of the big and small chieftains of the local landlord power (gamonals and petty gamonals). The conscripted peasant soldiers patrolling the countryside in this manner find themselves uprooted, and they are often confronted by members of their extended families who are resisting the abuse and privileges of the big landlords. The use of these peasant soldiers as a foundation to maintain the old state power is also infeasible for another reason - the state has refused to provide education and land to these peasants so that the scientific and technical knowledge-needed for the operation of the state apparatus cannot be used by them. For these reasons, the “Civil Defense” paramilitary bases have touched bottom, are not sound ways to reestablish the old order, and are but fallow tools of the counterrevolutionary policy of the government and its armed and police forces.

The ineffectiveness and ineptitude of the “ronderos” (peasant paramilitary) has led to an increase in the transfer of weapons from the “ronderos” to the EPL units. News reports by the reactionary press claimed that “ronderos” have made incursions into the Huanta district, when in reality the raiders were a few dozen poor peasants armed with weapons wrested away from the mesnadas and reactionary forces. The transfer of weapons to the PCP is widespread and the masses seize them through their own struggles.


The People’s War stamps daily economic struggles with the brand of the class struggle. The balance is clear: No opportunist flag, thesis or platform of “United Left” or similar fake “Marxists” renegades remain standing. Their collapse is due to both their sterile ideological-political base plagued with treachery and class capitulation and to the frontal assault waged against them by the class-conscious workers who are multiplying in numbers and influence throughout the country. The so-called “personalities” of opportunism and “geniuses” of treason disguised as “left” are rotting and breaking up from their own failures.

The proof of the failures of the revisionists clearly stands out when observing their pantomime act of petitioning Fujimori to change this or that “cabinet member to solve the crisis” or by calling a “Minister of the tyranny” to a hearing held in the Kangaroo Congress totally controlled by the regime.

With respect to wages, they want the “indexing” or adjusting the salaries in accordance with rate of inflation, to this purpose the revisionists draft “proposed laws” and call for “dialogues” with the capitalist thieves in order to “analyze” the problems between the workers and employees. They believe that these empty acts will help them to resurrect their organizations, but in reality these wonderful “successes” have exposed them even further as collaborators of the policies of hunger and misery of the regime. In 1997, the revisionists have joined a faction of the great bourgeoisie in a “democratic forum” to oppose the reelection of Fujimori, however, this bourgeois faction wants to continue the same policies of the dictatorship but without Fujimori. How does the people benefit from this proposal? Absolutely nothing.

Recognizing their total bankruptcy, the revisionists (IU, Patria Roja, PUM, and Unidad) are calling for the “reconstruction of the left,” the people knows they are “Marxists” in words but in deeds they are allied to the capitalists and imperialists. The Peruvian revisionists, excreted by Gorbachev and Teng , have had ample time during their terms in office to carry out their programs. Flying in the face of these revisionists, the workers and employees in important branches of industry such as textiles, metallurgy, plastics, paper, civil construction, etc., have risen up to carry on the labor struggle as part of the revolution and for the seizure of power nationwide.

And the State public sector is also stirred by the combativeness from the rank and file and has become assimilated in the torrent of the revolutionary class struggle led by the working class. The struggles of the school teachers and health workers are an integral part of the overall struggle. Here we see for the first time in the history of the teachers’ struggles the leadership role of the PCP during the national strike initiated from the base. And in the health sector, the class struggle is forcing the revisionist leaders to choose between disappearing from the scene altogether or joining with the revolutionary, class-conscious workers.


The revisionist party, “Unidad,” led by Jorge del Prado, has signed its own death certificate at its recent Congress. From the 1960s on, President Gonzalo has fought consistently and mercilessly against the revisionists and exposed them and other opportunists for their parliamentary cretinism, for their capitulation before the enemy, for their betrayal of the proletariat and the people, for their negation of Marxism, and for their collusion with the bourgeoisie. Following the revisionist decomposition and bankruptcy is the new triumph of today’s Marxism: MARXISM - LENINISM - MAOISM - GONZALO THOUGHT.

Today the revisionist bossess in Peru and abroad - such as the octogenary Del Prado (if he is still alive!), Espinoza, Herrera, el “beato” Henry Pease, the Jacobin Diez Canseco (of PUM, a bogus Mariateguista,) Rojas and Breña Pantoja of Patria Roja, etc. - are in a great “debate” about what new name to call their parties and what to do to resurrect their rotten organizations. At the same time, their bases are breaking up and disbanding. Some of them have joined MRTA’s armed revisionism (almost defunct by now), many have joined Fujimori, some joined the bureaucratic bourgeoisie, which is led by the reactionary hacks Andrade and Perez de Cuellar, others went to Hare Krishna or the evangelists or the Mormons, or to form some new market capitalist “left” or become CIA spies, or NGO entrepreneurs (human rights), or preach the favors of the demonic magician Ezequiel.

On their side, MRTA reinforces its role as preacher of dialogue and capitulation, as shown by the absurd “kidnaping of the Japanese embassy” in Lima. In practice MRTA operates as a complement to the reactionary armed forces in their clash with the PCP. MRTA headed by “Cerpa Cartulina” (who was murdered by his own neoliberal friends) and the Aprista Polay who is an intimate friend of the corrupt and genocidal ex-president Alan Garcia (lately wanted by INTERPOL.) The MRTA in spite of its trafficking with the “Tupac Amaru Revolution” of two centuries ago, in practice negates the goals and methods of a real revolution. Instead of struggling to overthrow the political power of the exploiters - embodied in the State and the system of government -MRTA actually comes to the defense of the parasitic State system. The armed actions of the MRTA are only to free prisoners or to force a call for “negotiations” or “changes” in Fujimori’s economic policy. Five years ago the MRTA “seized power” in few towns and villages, and now the MRTA has attempted to secure a “negotiated exit, Guatemala style” as has been stated by the chief kidnapper himself. The MRTA has assisted the army against the People’s War and has murdered Maoists. All of this exposes the MRTA mercenaries to what they really are - counter revolutionaries in the service of reaction posing as revolutionaries in the service of the people. (See a detailed description of the MRTA in the PCP Web page.)


The strategy of Fujimori has been to condemn to a slow death to thousands of political prisoners and prisoners of war in several concentrations camps in the country (Cantogrande, Yanamayo, Cachiche, Santa Monica, Lurigancho, Quenqoro, etc.), under inhuman conditions, the persecution, spying, harassment and threats against the relatives, families, and lawyers of the prisoners of war have continued. In 1997, several prisoners of war were murdered during interrogation by SIN and the armed forces. The cover utilized by the regime in the prisons is that “the two splited Senderos are killing each other,” which is a hoax they fabricated to carry out more murders. Another tactic used in the prisons is to launch the common prisoners against the political prisoners. All these sinister actions are within the regime’s “pacification plan” that are being defeated by the resistance and courage of the prisoners of war.

The struggle in the luminous trenches of combat in which thousands of communists, combatants, and the best children of the people are secluded under extremely difficult conditions, help to unmask this regime as the worst in the history of Peru, the most corrupt, genocidal, terrorist, and faithful lackey of U.S. imperialism.


In a vicious attack on the poor, Fujimori’s armed forces deployed 500 special operation troops to occupy the lands of the “Raucana” Human Settlement (young town), where poor and humble families reside After the military onslaught was defeated by the masses, more troops were brought in to occupy the settlement under the Army’s “civic action” program. Attempts to turn it into a concentration camp and base for “urban rondas” have failed miserably. As a matter of fact, the more the military attempted to occupy neighborhoods of the masses, the more the masses worked and struggled to form People’s Organizations, which are now multiplying throughout the country.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has issued a report stating that more than 75% of the Peruvian people live in dire poverty. But the international aid in the form of food and medicine is considered by the masses to be humiliating alms. The people of the world should know that all their aid is used by the reactionaries in attempts to placate the people after genocidal acts have been committed. First, the soldiers murder relatives, and then they give out aspirin and candy to calm the masses down! Needless to say, such brutal and stupid acts lead to an increase in the resistance of the people against the Yankee puppet, Fujimori. (For information on Raucana read the article on the “British Senderolgist” in the Human Rights Section of the PCP web page


Alleging that the “universities are the centers of the subversion,” Fujimori has ordered the military occupation of the principal universities of Peru. The occupation was begun as a “temporary measure” but soon turned into a permanent feature and the resistance of the students, employees and faculty has grown. Massive and continual mobilization of students, selective actions against informers and agents of SIN, propaganda written and painted under the very noses of the fascists - are some of the tactics that are being used in 1997. Thousands and thousands of Peruvian youth have joined in marches at the major universities of San Marcos, La Cantuta, and elsewhere. Forging the future on the streets of all Peru, in massive displays of courage and energy, this youth marches with fists raised high, chanting slogans in support of the People’s War. Thus, Fujimori’s arrogant attempt to destroy the universities and university movement has been utterly defeated!


The armed strike is a new form of mobilization and struggle of the masses of workers and peasants of Peru. Apparently an armed strike looks much like a general strike, but the main difference between them is that during the armed strike, which lasts several days or even weeks, various kinds of actions in support of the People’s War take place such as agitation and propaganda, massive demonstrations of protest against the dictatorship combined with simultaneous armed actions in certain areas. Ambushes, selective annihilation of snitches, generals and intelligence agents, etc. complement by mobile warfare, and strengthen the lines in the interior and exterior, and seize more and more weapons so as to expand and strengthen the New Power.

Armed strikes are multiplying throughout the country. Of special significance are the armed strikes in Junin, Ayacucho, Huanuco, Puno, Pucallpa, some provinces of Lima, and the Huallaga Front, etc.

The Armed Strikes are called in Lima by the People’s Revolutionary Defense Movement (MRDP), which have proved to be a great combat school for the masses to develop powerful struggles for living wages, and national production as well as for the People’s Republic of Peru and for the Rights of the People and the People’s War, against the crisis, hunger and unemployment, repression and genocide and against the old state and imperialism. This struggle is developed as part of preparing the general insurrection in all the Peruvian cities and the definitive victory of the revolution.


The events in Raucana, the attacks and operations in the ENE and Huallaga Valleys (the central region of Peru), the genocide of defenseless and unarmed peole in Lima, the persistent attempts to silence the peoples’ protests, and finally the “advice” to apply the “English model” of counterinsurgency warfare as was applied in Malaysia to annihilate the People’s War, are all promoted by mercenaries and fundamentalist fanatics of capitalism, the messianic “senderologist” experts in lies, deceits and failures. These extremely dangerous quacks have received replies they deserved from the fighting people, exposing the parasites once and again for what they are: worthless agents of the terrorist Fujimori regime, disguised as “impartial” analysts of the “subversive phenomena.” By now the whole world knows that these self-proclaimed scholars are just advisors, accomplices, and mercenaries of Fujimori and his armed forces. Their “wise” counsel to “defeat the Shining Path with the weapons of democracy” has failed. Now they are feverishly collaborating with the CIA (as in the case of the alcoholic Carlos I. Degregori, Starn, J.J. Aznares, the agent Raul Gonzalez, Tapia. etc.) in elaborating more propaganda about “peace agreement letters,” “Sendero’s Split,” “Gonzalo versus Feliciano,” “two line struggle on peace talks in the PCP,” and so on, which are all quickly torn to pieces by the people and dumped into a garbage can.


After the victorious strategic defensive, begun by the initiation of the armed struggle on May 17th, 1980, (ILA80), the People’s War led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) and its Central Committee, entered the stage of STRATEGIC EQUILIBRIUM. This signifies that the reactionaries have been trying to recover their lost positions in order to prolong their system of exploitation while the revolutionary masses led by the PCP prepare the strategic counteroffensive, building the conquest of Power throughout Peru. The strategic equilibrium is the inevitable step for the revolutionary forces to take as they go from the defensive to the STRATEGIC OFFENSIVE.

The defenders of the old State debate in vain to show that there is no strategic equilibrium, but nevertheless, they defend their system daily and fight to recover their lost positions, and this is precisely how they expose their inability and incapacity to defeat the People’s War. The victorious advances of the People’s War have made possible the conquest of Support Bases and the construction of hundreds of People’s Committees and People’s Struggle Committees (Comit’e de Luchas) in the countryside and city respectively. This is the essence of the New Power, the New State, and New Democracy of the masses of the workers, peasants and progressives. This is how indeed the future People’s Republic of Peru is now emerging. The blood spilled by the workers, poor peasants and progressives, murdered by the terrorist dictatorship of the genocidal Fujimori, has not been in vain; it enlivens and fuels the growing rage of the heroic People’s War, which forever will bury the enemies of the people - the old state and its armed forces. The conquest of Power throughout Peru is inevitable. The revolutionary masses will triumph for all the world to see.