Peru People's Movement

December 12, 2022

The latest events in Peru, summarized as follows:

That, as a consequence of the serious political crisis Peru is going through. In at least 15 regions and in the country’s capital, Lima, there have been demonstrations following the failed coup attempt by former president Pedro Castillo and the inauguration of Dina Boluarte as the new president. In all of them, the demonstrators have the same demand: the closing of the Congress of the Republic and the calling of new general elections.

The political analysts of the reactionary media, summing up, say:

Boluarte begins his presidential administration in a complicated situation.

The fact is that she does not have a parliamentary majority. Moreover, she and the Executive as well as the Parliament are totally discredited.

We say: It is a fragile government, with no support or base of its own. Just as her predecessor, the counter-revolutionary rondero Castillo, she has no political party or support of her own — she assumed the role because she was Castillo’s vice-president — she has no parliamentary bench to support her and has at the head of the Congress a majority that represents the comprador faction made up of various parties. Moreover, she has the opposition of the party for which she was elected vice-president, Perú Libre (PL),1 which expelled her. The discredit of the parliament does not make possible a “governability pact,” as said some political analysts of the bourgeois media.

The reactionary president, Dina Boluarte, gave a message to the nation early this morning in the face of the protests in Lima and various regions of the country2 demanding “early elections,” “everyone must leave,” “elections with political reforms” and others, “call for new elections and a constituent assembly for a new constitution.”

All reactionary solutions to the present crisis of the old State, to put it in better conditions to crush the struggle of the people and carry out the three reactionary tasks. There you can see then the class content of these slogans, in favor or against one of the factions of the big bourgeoisie; we must not forget how they used the rats of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL3 to center the class teachers in the elections and bring to the government, “professor Castillo,” “a teacher like you,” wanting to drag the progressives and revolutionaries behind the reactionary elections, after a corrupt reactionary who did not fulfill anything of what he falsely offered in the elections and assumed and fulfilled, together with his ministers Bellido, Maraví and other sinister characters, the mandate of imperialism and reaction to finally annihilate Chairman Gonzalo.

Returning to the message of the President, head of the landlord-bureaucratic old State, at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee, in her message, the Boluarte, announced that she will submit to Congress a bill for the advancement of elections4 to April 2024. He said: “In the next few days I will submit a bill for the advancement of elections to be agreed with the political forces represented in the Parliament,” she expressed.

The newspapers summarize the events after the “self-coup” and the “coup,” that after Castillo’s dismissal, mobilizations are taking place in different cities of the country. They are not massive, but could escalate. Castillo’s supporters are demanding his freedom and various groups are demanding the closing of Congress and early elections. In the center of Lima the police repressed the protests with tear gas. In the Andean city of Andahuaylas there was also strong repression. In this city there have been the strongest protests. There are blockades on different highways. In some provinces various organizations have announced mobilizations to Lima. Against this background, Boluarte opened the door to a possible advance of the elections.

Those who head these groups trying to unite the masses after the elections are revisionists of all stripes, like those of PL, NP,5 fascists called ethnocacerists of Antauro Humala and people of Pedro Castillo, like his servants of the revisionist and capitulationist ROL of the Movadef and of the so-called Teachers’ Bloc of the parliament of the so-called Teachers’ and People’s Party (PMP), counter-revolutionaries and other reactionaries linked by business and other ties to Castillo, who, lacking organized bases of their own, make use of trusted officials of the old State, the prefects, appointed by Castillo to promote the demonstrations demanding his freedom.

Today, it was reported that groups of people in different regions continue to express their indignation in the streets in the face of the serious political crisis. In at least 15 regions and in the capital of the country, Lima, there have been mobilizations after the failed coup attempt by former president Pedro Castillo and the inauguration of Dina Boluarte as the new president. In all of them, ...have the same demand: the closing of the Congress of the Republic and the calling of new general elections.

Our question: Why do they not call for the fall of Boluarte? They don’t because what the reactionaries, opportunists and revisionists want are elections. But, any of the reactionary exits, which are chanted in the slogans of the demonstrations, belong to the bureaucratic road, it is up to us to persist on the democratic road, on the road of the people’s war to lead to the total and complete culmination of the revolution of new democracy and to pass uninterruptedly and immediately to develop the socialist revolution.