Peru People's Movement (Reorganization Committee)

May 2019

Today, May 17 marks the thirty-ninth anniversary of the beginning of the People’s War in Peru; thirty-nine years ago the Communist Party took up arms to carry forward the democratic revolution to overthrow the exploitation and oppression of mainly Yankee imperialism, bureaucrat-capitalism and the subsisting semi-feudalism in order to seize power for the proletariat and the people, within the context of the world revolution and serving it. Since then and under the undefeated banners of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo thought develops the path of encircling the cities from the countryside and the revolutionary war is waged in the countryside and city as a single unit, being the countryside the principal theater of armed action and the city complementary but necessary; in synthesis a people’s war, in essence a peasant war led by the Communist Party, whose core is to create support bases.

The people’s war in these thirty-nine years has never stopped because the Party can never be paralyzed; the Party in the midst of difficult and complex situations is developing its general reorganization (RGPCP)1 to overcome the bend and the inflection that the people’s war entered with the arrest of Chairman Gonzalo, Leader of the Party and the revolution, and the emergence of a revisionist and capitulationist ROL2 and then an opportunist line with a left mask, which are nothing more than two sides of the same coin in their hatred of the Leader and his all-powerful thought, both reviling him as the author of the CIA-Peruvian reaction hoax of the so-called “peace letters” against the people’s war.

The Communist Party of Peru, holding firmly to the Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo and Gonzalo Thought, is celebrating this year the 30th Anniversary of the Culmination of the First Congress of the Party, Marxist Congress, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Congress, Gonzalo Thought, principally Gonzalo Thought, which has given us our ideology: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, our program and our Base of Party Unity with its five elements and its center the Military Line. The Party leads the democratic revolution that triumphant will open the doors to socialism and continuing with cultural revolutions, fused in the great epic of the world revolution, will enter the future: communism, unique, necessary, unavoidable and unrenounceable goal of humanity.

The People’s War in Peru is an authentic People’s War that is turning the country upside down, the “old mole” is digging deep into the bowels of the old society, no one will stop it, the current difficult and complex circumstances it is going through will be overcome with the fulfillment of the People’s War, the People’s War will develop and march unstoppable, because it is invincible, the future already dwells among us, the old and rotten society is sinking irremediably, the revolution will prevail. Long live the People’s War!

On this occasion we consider it of great significance to publish, once again, the document: We are the initiators.


We Are the Initiators