Peru People's Movement

June 2024

On the June 19th of each year, the Day of Heroism is celebrated in both Peru and around the world.

On June 19th, communists and revolutionaries around the world celebrate this date, commemorating the rebellion 38 years ago of the prisoners of war of the Communist Party of Peru. Those who rebelled in defense of the revolution and their lives against the plans of reaction to annihilate them and give a sure blow to the people’s war.

On this solemn occasion, of great historical significance for the communists and masses of Peru and the world and as a sign of our homage and commitment we publish the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru, which establishes June 19th as the Day of Heroism, Peru June 1986.

The glorious belligerent death of these prisoners of war is sheltered by the blood already shed and before it the communists, the combatants, and the sons of the people, armed, we take up the indeclinable commitment to follow their shining example, to develop the people’s war to serve the world revolution until the unfading light of communism settles throughout the world under the undefeated banners of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong, of the ever-living Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

Glory to the fallen heroes, long live the revolution!

Resolution of the Central Committee

Day of Heroism


Following the path of its ancestors, the reactionary Aprista government, since its inception, has committed genocide against the people’s war, covering it with grandiose demagogy with the complicit support of opportunist electoralism, as proven by crimes perpetrated in Agomarca, Umaru, Bellavista, and Llocllapampa by the armed forces and police of the Peruvian state.

The reaction sinisterly targeted prisoners of war, planning their genocidal annihilation carried out on the fourth of October of last year during the cowardly and brutal assassination of thirty fighters in the Lurigancho prison, a heinous and still unpunished crime that only the triumphant people will judge.

On June eighteenth, nineteen eighty-six, in El Frontón, Lurigancho, and Callao, the prisoners of war rose in rebellion against the ongoing new genocide, after repeatedly publicly denouncing before the courts and authorities themselves, the slaughter that the government and its armed forces were plotting; they rebelled in defense of the revolution and their lives, demanding twenty-six very just and rational claims.

On the nineteenth, the reactionary Aprista government led by Alan García, after its grotesque farce manipulating the so-called “peace commission,” unleashed the most shameless and obscure genocide operation; mobilizing the army, the navy, the air force, and police forces, under the control of the Comando Conjunto, it carried out the most infamous genocide, assassinating hundreds of fighters and sons of the people, prisoners of war, once again bathing in the fervent blood of the people. Let the indelible disgrace fall upon Alan García, his Council of Ministers, the Joint Command, the armed forces, and the police that the people will not forget and only they will sanction!

The fighters of the People’s Guerrilla Army, prisoners of war, wielding the slogan “It is right to rebel,” heroically and tirelessly fought to seal a milestone of heroism, valor, and courage that history will keep as an exemplary demonstration of the heroic individuals that only the people’s war is capable of producing.

Thus, the nineteenth of June is eternally engraved as the DAY OF HEROISM. The blood of these heroes fertilizes the armed revolution, growing its blaze, which rises as a monumental flag and an inexhaustible war cry that calls for the inevitable final triumph.

The glorious belligerent death of these prisoners of war is embraced with the blood already shed, and in front of it, communists, fighters, and children of the people, armed, undertake the unshakable commitment to follow their luminous example, to develop the people’s war, and to serve the world revolution until the imperishable light of communism settles across the globe under the invincible banners of Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong, of the ever-living Marxism-Leninism-Maoism.

Glory to the fallen heroes, long live the revolution!

Central Committee

Communist Party of Peru

Peru, June 1986