Peru People's Movement

May 1994

On the XIV Anniversary of the Launching of People’s War, we greet the heroic and revolutionary people of Peru that with their blood and lives carry out the armed struggle. The People’s War is a war of masses victoriously led by the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) with glorious achievements show to the entire world the unquestionable viability of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought and the necessity of revolutionary violence as the only way the people have to seize power. The Peruvian revolution also shows that the masses are the ones who make history and are waging the people’s war inspired by their steeled force of fighting poverty and their unstoppable struggle to better their lives. The anniversary of the launching of the people’s war in Peru (May 1994) coincides with the International Day of the Proletariat and the second anniversary of the heroic resistance of the PCP’s prisoners of war in Cantogrande where more than 100 POWs were murdered by the regime.

The rotten Peruvian State led by yankee imperialism as well as its armed forces and reactionary political parties, including the revisionists, are vainly attempting to re-structure the old state, reinvigorate bureaucratic capitalism and annihilate the people’s war. Since they can not achieve none of these goals, they are unleashing a generalized genocide against the people trying to soak in blood the revolution. It is well known that in the poor communities and shantytowns the regime applies house by house raking operations, military occupations, massive detentions, rapes, and in their failure to defeat the People’s Liberation Army, the Army cowardly drops incendiary bombs and air-to-ground missiles to wipe out villages (i.e., Huallaga, Ayacucho, Huanuco) As a militant response, the people led by the PCP have called a successful armed strike that has paralyzed the entire zone inflicting heavy losses to the enemy. The revolutionary strength is evident countrywide, defending the rights of the workers and the people, against the policy of hunger, the massive unemployment, for land, salary and national production, against the genocide and generalized repression, for people’s rights and people’s war, for housing, potable water, sewage and electricity, against the old State and imperialism, for the People’s Republic of Peru, the Peruvian people RESIST AND COMBAT. The historic revolutionary journeys are also part of the struggles of the international proletariat and the oppressed nations, within the great wave of the World Proletarian Revolution in which Maoism is being ingrained, as the new, third and superior stage of the ideology of the international proletariat. We are also firm in the defense of the life of Chairman Gonzalo who remain in total isolation and all political prisoners and prisoners of war.

Long Live the People’s War in Pert! Long Live the Communist Party of Peru! In Defense of the Leadership, Against the Genocidal Dictatorship! Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo! Against Hunger, Unemployment and the Crisis, for Land, Salary and National Production! Against Genocide and Generalized Repression, for People’s Rights and Peoples War! Against the old State and Imperialism, for the People’s Republic of Peru! Down with the crippling taxes, for water, sewage and electricity, Combat and Resist! For health care, housing and education, Combat and Resist! The Rights are Conquered and Protected with struggles! Long Live the Movement for Popular Liberation! Long Live Proletarian Internationalism!