Communist Party of Peru - Lima Base Committee

January 2023

[We are] In a context of general crisis of imperialism, mainly due to an acute and deep economic crisis. This crisis once again stirs up the fundamental contradictions and the main contradiction (imperialism-oppressed nations).

Unbeatable, objective conditions to strengthen the national liberation movements and the development of the new great wave commanded by Maoism and people’s wars has given as a great and strategic triumph the formation and forthcoming reunification of the International Communist League, a decisive and transcendental step in the future communist international commanded by Maoism.

We express our fervent communist greetings to the international proletariat, to the communist parties, movements and organizations that make it up and we reaffirm our all-powerful scientific and universal ideology, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, mainly Maoism, and the decisive and universal contribution of Chairman Gonzalo our leadership for having defined it as the third, new and superior stage of Marxism and applying it masterfully to the Peruvian revolution, contributing decisively to the new development of Marxism.

At the international level the inter-imperialist contradictions are sharpening, on the one hand Yankee imperialism as the only hegemonic superpower, in decline, its financial oligarchy commanded by the comprador bourgeoisie, its so-called “neo-liberal globalization” is in deep crisis and growing inflation with a black perspective with a tremendous recession, their strategic plans to maintain their unique hegemonic condition go from one crisis to another, from one crisis to another and are increasingly based on war and atomic blackmail to intimidate or generate fear in the oppressed nations; wars of aggression and plunder (NATO in the Middle East and now in Eastern Europe) sponsor and promote “terrorism” for their own interests.

On the other hand, the Russian atomic superpower has been recovering positions and together with Chinese social imperialism are developing strategic plans to undermine, impede and oppose the hegemonic Yankee plans, consolidating in their areas of domination and expanding their areas of influence in Asia, Africa and Latin America (consider that Russia and China maintain influence and collude in regimes commanded by the bureaucratic bourgeoisie but strive to cover with greater amplitude based on their own interests).

In Latin America, the base of Yankee imperialism, its hegemonic plans in the region are being undermined, the penetration of the Russian superpower influencing and supporting politically and militarily regimes where the bureaucratic faction commands the bureaucratic landlord states, as in the cases of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc. Simultaneously, Chinese social-imperialism (who dreams of becoming a world superpower in the present century) and its global hegemonic plans have been executing a series of plans and projects in that sense, for example “the so-called new silk road” and hence the voracity with which it throws itself on the energy resources in the region (hydrocarbons, mining, lithium, great fishing, water reserves, etc.) under the cloak of economic and trade relations. Let us look at the case of our country: 64% of Peruvian exports come from mining, contributing 10% of the GDP, Peru is the second world producer of copper and zinc and the third producer of silver and tin in Latin America, we are also the first producer of zinc, tin, lead and selenium despite the fact that only 1.07% of Peruvian territory is under mining exploitation and 0.28% is in exploration, that is to say, more than 98% is considered as a virgin area in exploitation, we add to this that the production of copper and silver that the country has are necessary for the energy transition process (the national society of mining, oil and energy assumes that 16% of private investment is in mining). What a cake that the Yankees and their allies want for themselves, but there the Russian superpower and Chinese social-imperialism are on their heels! We are part of the spoils and we cannot allow it. Let us defend the homeland with People’s War!

Sharp and intense inter-imperialist contradictions in the region have repercussions within the exploiting classes, mainly the big bourgeoisie between its two factions (comprador bourgeoisie and bureaucratic bourgeoisie) we see also the cases of Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, etc.) which far from diminishing are increasing and will continue to worsen.


Chairman Gonzalo in his masterful and victorious speech of September 24, 1992 established for us the political period into which the democratic revolution entered, in the face of the growing and greater intervention of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, with the objective of realizing its anti-historical three counterrevolutionary tasks: Re-launching bureaucratic capitalism, restructuring the old Peruvian State but mainly its dream of annihilating the People’s War.

Chairman Gonzalo, with great political vision, a clear Maoist vision that cleans out the cobwebs, demanded us to think with great historical sense looking at the history of Peru, let us look at the last three centuries and establish a clear definition. XVIII Century: Dominion of Spain, it led us to a deep crisis, consequently Peru was divided.

19th century: Dominion of England in its conflict with France? War with Chile. It led us to a deep crisis. We lost territory and our country suffered a schism.

20th Century: We have a dominator, mainly Yankee imperialism, where has it brought us? To the worst crisis in the history of the Peruvian people.

Since 1980 with the beginning and development of the People’s War contemporary Peruvian society has entered its third moment of general crisis and mainly has entered its destruction and sweeping away of the three great mountains that exploit and oppress the people; imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and semi-feudalism.

Faced with the development of the people’s war and having reached the strategic balance as the second political and military stage of the people’s war, in 1991 imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism and reaction “to maintain its system and recover positions” in defense and safeguard of the bureaucratic landlord state carried out the self-coup of April 5, 1992 (development of the Yankee counter-subversive strategy: development of the low intensity war) to impose a fascist, genocidal and pro-Yankee sell-out regime for decades to come with long-term plans.

In 1993 as part of their fourth restructuring they elaborated (in the midst of genocide) and approved a political constitution made to their measure and according to the interests of imperialism, mainly Yankee.

Being this pro-U.S. constitution and the backbone of this fascist, genocidal and homeland-selling regime, they raised this ragged and bloody constitution of plunder to structure the reimpulse of bureaucratic capitalism even though it literally declared itself as a “social market economy” when in fact they applied a “free market” economy, sweeping away national production and granting on a platter the entry of imperialist industry, This so-called “neoliberalism” in favor of greater penetration and imperialist domination mainly (art 62 or contract law as an example), this reimpulse did not come alone, it was together with the restructuring of its state apparatus characterized by presidential absolutism (fascist clique) dictated by the Yankee embassy. Reimpulse and restructuring was not possible if they did not enter to annihilate the people’s war, so this constitution of 1993 promoted and legalized the greatest surrender and greater power with faculties to the fascist and genocidal Armed Forces and PNP to apply the counter-subversive strategy of low intensity warfare.

Chairman Gonzalo in the document “Comments on the coup d’état” taught us to differentiate what a State system is and told us clearly that this is a class dictatorship of big bourgeoisie and landowners at the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism, and as a system of government (under its form of representative democracy) these were differentiated into open and covert dictatorships.

With the fall of the fascist and genocidal clique of Fujimori and Montesinos in the year 2000, mainly Yankee imperialism set up its transitional government (Paniagua) under the auspices of the CIA-OAS (Organization of American States), and in spite of the fact that it formally proposed to change its ragged constitution and that sectors of the big bourgeoisie and opportunism applauded it wildly, the economic chapter was never called into question.

The fascist regime, genocidal and sell-out under the hegemony and leadership of the comprador bourgeoisie in these decades of the present XXI century deepened and accentuated the semi-feudal character (megalatinfundios at the expense of the dispossession of the land of the peasantry, mainly poor and semi-colonial (greater interference, intervention and imperialist domination, mainly Yankee), intervention and imperialist domination, mainly Yankee) where a rotten bureaucratic capitalism is developed as it was with the signing of the FTA with the USA by Toledo and its implementation in blood and fire with more than 120 legislative decrees with the genocidal Alan Garcia and then Captain Carlos or Ollanta Humala.

This Yankee imperialist domination over the old and outdated Peruvian State is being undermined by the growing penetration of Russian imperialism and particularly by Chinese social-imperialism, which has strong repercussions within the big bourgeoisie (comprador and bureaucratic factions); groups and demoliberal and fascist tendencies) but mainly it has repercussions and obliges us to forge with people’s war the only road that the people have, the democratic road of the people as the popular road of liberation, that is the circumstance that we are going through today and it is clear that the organized vanguard of the proletariat, our Communist Party of Peru leads and will lead until we achieve the conquest of power for the proletariat and the Peruvian people, is there any other road? That is why we say People’s War until communism!

Since 2016 the struggle within the comprador faction between the fascist tendency (Keiko Fujimori) and the demoliberal tendency (PPK) for the control of the executive of the fascist, genocidal and pro-Yankee homeland-selling regime became more acute, Fujimorism with the control of the bourgeois parliament was undermining the executive, questioning the essence in the leadership of the regime: Presidential absolutism, simultaneously taking over the other powers and institutions of the old State, as has been demonstrated by the control they have over the judiciary, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Constitutional Court, etc. Clearly following their reactionary path because that is the true reactionary and counterrevolutionary path they have to follow, do they have another path? Well, they do not, it is their only way out, to continue with a fascist, genocidal and pro-Nicaraguan homeland-selling regime and we are seeing it in this present century clearly and clearly confirming once again what Chairman Gonzalo pointed out to us.

At present they are leading the fascist, genocidal and vendepatria regime to a permanent political crisis (5 presidents in 5 years), which has been exacerbated by the international economic and financial crisis (2018 and 2019) and by the deep crisis of bureaucratic capitalism, which they have tried to cover up and postpone through their “states of emergency and health militarization” supposedly to fight the pandemic (COVID-19) and in the midst of an insulting shameless corruption of big business at the expense of the death and life of the people. The executive together with the cliques of the Armed Forces and genocidal police, the pharmaceutical monopoly and private clinics amassed huge fortunes demonstrating that the collapsed public health system did not serve the population, an abandonment of centuries to the detriment of health and life, hunger, misery and malnutrition among others, caused the death of more than 200,000 people. The highest rate in the world. Destruction of the productive forces (elimination of the population surplus) genocidal and sinister plan of this fascist regime and the hegemonic plans of imperialism, mainly Yankee.

It is in this context of crisis and decadence of the fascist, genocidal and homeland-selling regime (within the third moment of general crisis and destruction of contemporary Peruvian society) that the general elections of 2021 are called, crucial elections for imperialism and reaction in order to continue the fulfillment of its three counterrevolutionary tasks, but particularly for the fascist tendency (Fujimorism) of the comprador faction that at all costs needed total control of the State, mainly of the executive.

In 2021 the rondero and anti-communist Pedro Castillo is elected, an opportunist through and through and faithful representative and defender of the interests of the bureaucratic bourgeoisie (pro-Castro Free Peru, feudillo of the Cerrón family) with the support of a bunch of revisionists and opportunists, particularly of the Movadef and those of the Vraem, that Left opportunist line of rancor and alienation, whose shameless dreams of amnesty, capitulation and enlistment have not prevented them from coming out in defense of those who by mandate of Yankee imperialism became the executioners (Castillo Terrones-Anibal Torres and others with the approval of the CIA) of the blatant and treacherous plan to assassinate Chairman Gonzalo. Honor and Glory to Chairman Gonzalo, the greatest Marxist-Leninist-Maoist that the earth has given!

Since the opportunist rondero Castillo assumed the presidency, a period of intense struggle between both factions opened up; imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism gave its formal endorsement to this rondero Castillo while plotting his overthrow by the action of the comprador bourgeoisie (fascist tendency represented by Fujimorism) under the control of the sewer called parliament and with the consent of the fascist, genocidal Armed Forces and the PNP and more pro-Nazi sellouts blessed by the bloodthirsty church.

The tendency to question presidential absolutism in favor of parliamentary absolutism worsened at the end of 2022. The restructuring of the old Peruvian State is on the table again and the bureaucratic bourgeoisie is the one promoting the constitutional illusions of a constituent assembly for a new constitution, there are even those who add “for the people” this proposal of the bureaucratic faction and its cronies serves mainly to regain positions and go on to command the leadership of the old and rotten Peruvian State, sell itself to the highest bidder and change masters (they promote sinister imperialist positions or “plurinational” “multiethnic” “ethnicity” “ethnocacerism”, “nationalism”, etc.).

On the other hand, the comprador bourgeoisie has gone on to carry out a closed defense (with blood and fire) of the pro-U.S. constitution of 1993, formally they could change it but not in essence, the readjustments that they are carrying out in this bourgeois parliamentary sewer aim at having greater power and control: bicameralism, reelection of congressmen and all kinds of difficulties to the detriment of the executive, thus sharpening their contradiction and struggles.

Peruvian people, Intense struggle of these pro-imperialist bourgeoisie and reactionaries is framed within a growing wave of protest at the national level, mainly of the poor peasantry. Long live the struggles of the heroic Peruvian people!

Being the necessity of Yankee imperialism and reaction, the defense and continuity of their regime on December 7, 2022, they propitiated and executed the coup d’état in favor of a greater intervention of Yankee imperialism, the CIA and the development of their low intensity war, which is being executed by the fascist, genocidal and traitorous armed forces and police forces as a clique and pro-U.S. agents: Dina Boluarte, Otarola, Williams Zapata, Gómez de la Torre among others responsible who apply the fascist and genocidal Yankee plan against Peru and the Peruvian people, they dream of dismembering, splitting Peru and to contain and divert the revolutionary rise of the mainly poor peasantry, the proletariat and the masses, they dream of crushing the proletariat and its vanguard, the PCP and they dream that the complicity of revisionism of all types and the opportunists of always will save their outdated system of hunger and misery. We say; keep dreaming.

Open dictatorship: a fascist, genocidal and pro-Yankee regime that in its eagerness to maintain itself, perpetuate itself and carry out to the letter the mandates of its Yankee master has been strengthening the genocidal political line of the Peruvian State against the just and growing popular movement, has been developing its Yankee anti-subversive strategy of low intensity warfare: militarization of the country through states of emergency, curfews, criminalization of the struggles and popular demands, massive operations of mobilization of their forces, violent entry into the universities, infiltration left and right in the social and popular organizations, in their marches to identify and arrest their leaders or representatives, psychological actions against the people through the big reactionary and monopolized propaganda and mass communication media. The Armed Forces and the Armed Forces that tried to legitimize themselves before public opinion by showing themselves as “respectful of human rights” and who with the complicity of the “truth and reconciliation commission” said ad nauseam “the main violator of human rights was Sendero”, etc. Today it is clearly evident that the essence of the armed forces and police is the backbone and defender of the old and outdated bureaucratic landlord Peruvian State that is falling apart; Fascists, genocidal, pro-Yankee traitors who sooner or later will receive the just sanction of the party and the people and today, as in the past, the arbitrary and illegal detentions, tortures, disappearances, murders in the police stations and barracks are intensifying, the sabotages to state and private institutions carried out by themselves through their agents and lumpens hired as black heads and shock forces and the false flags and graffiti on walls and even murders of their own personnel (case of the policeman burned in his patrol car in Puno) to impute them to the population, these Armed Forces and police, brave to kill but cowards to die, they execute murders of children and mothers by their snipers with the total endorsement and complicity of this caste of hierarchical leaders of the church like the one in Puno, including the death of several newborns before the merciless shrapnel of these genocidal against an unarmed civilian population, not content with that, they have been carrying out blackouts in towns and cities so that, under the cover of darkness, they could kill the population, under the cover of darkness, they break doors and kidnap popular and social leaders as in the case of Ayacucho, they continue to fire shots at random from helicopter gunships and continue to use their old tactic of pitting masses against masses and use lumpens as bait to attract fighters or identify leaders to later assassinate or arrest them (Venezuelan lumpens who will soon be fleeing the country); their “marches for peace” of police, military and intelligence agents (together with fascist groups, the resistance and others) promote it, the resistance and others) are shamelessly promoted by the police themselves, represented by the genocidal former PNP director of Dircote, a specialist in torture and rape, while with the other hand they raid and plant evidence against locals like the peasant confederation of Peru or New Peru (keep in mind that when the denunciation of the leeks came out, it was known about the military and police monitoring of all opposition to the fascist regime and its pro-Nicaraguan constitution of 1993, accusing them of being “terrorists”). There is not a single place in the country where they do not show their essence of repression and genocide, what they began in the south of the country today is spreading throughout the national territory. The blood spilled will never be forgotten! More blood, more repression, more genocide, more revolution! Only the people judge and punish the genocidaires! Against repression and genocide, for the rights of the people and the people’s war!

They aim at destroying all opposition of the social, popular, trade union and party organizations, etc, but mainly they dream of impeding the advance of the party, which today is advancing (in laying solid foundations) in its general reorganization and the reorganization of its now People’s Liberation Army.

Their counterrevolutionary campaign to accuse the people of being “terrorists” is falling apart, they seek with a vain attempt to separate the guerrillas from the masses, they dream that the people do not have a just and correct proletarian leadership, promotes revisionists and opportunists of all stripes to ride on this just struggle of the heroic people to later “negotiate” at “dialogue tables” and sell the blood shed for handouts or posts in this outdated system, they are aiming to arrest, kidnap, assassinate and disappear the true leaders of the people who in fact assume this worthy political and social responsibility.

It should be known that the Peruvian people have a very rich experience in new power and people’s war because it is people’s war guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Gonzalo thought and it is rooted in the class, in the people, and that is what frightens and frightens reaction and revisionism.

What Chairman Gonzalo established is peremptory: “the class, the people, the masses demand, need, clamor to develop the people’s war” and we communists and revolutionaries have a great responsibility to fulfill it.

We are living through historic moments, everyone should be clear that this is so, our homeland has been turned into part of the imperialist booty, plunging the Peruvian people into the worst crisis of all its history, and we will not allow this!

Chairman Gonzalo warned us: “once again the nation is at risk, once again the republic is at risk, once again the territory is at risk, it can be easily lost and for interests. That is the situation to which we have been brought (...).

Let us think about the danger: that the nation, the country, can be divided, that the nation is at risk, they want to tear it apart, they want to divide it, who wants to do that? The imperialists, those who exploit, those who rule.”


The protracted people’s war led by the party since 1980 has clearly shown and demonstrated before the eyes of the world and mainly before the Peruvian people that the old Peruvian State is a paper tiger that is rotten to the core and that only its total, complete and thorough demolition is possible, leaving no stone unturned.

We live in a revolutionary situation in growing development. Lenin defined as revolutionary situation (objective conditions of the revolution) and synthesized them in two: 1) that those below do not want to continue living as before 2) those above cannot continue to administer and govern as before: these two conditions are those that generate mass mobilizations.

And Chairman Mao Zedong teaches us that the revolutionary situation affects the very foundations of the old and outdated State and therefore a “reformist way out of the situation” is not feasible, only a revolutionary way out is possible.

Chairman Gonzalo clearly teaches us that the old Peruvian State has : “...a wide failed base, a fracture of the foundations of the State on which the big bourgeoisie and feudal landowners exercise their joint dictatorship but on this fragile structure imperialism operates with its struggles and contradictions, especially Yankee imperialism that dominates us”, strong struggles with Russian imperialism and Chinese social-imperialism that undermine this Yankee domination, Chairman Gonzalo also adds: “inter-imperialist struggles that aggravate the fragility of the State system in general and especially that of the government system itself (fascist, genocidal, pro-Yankee sell-out regime and greater crisis of its so-called “representative democracy”) this fragility of the old State and the development of these contradictions between the classes that exercise dictatorship and between their various factions through which the imperialists try to maintain their imperialist hegemony or undermine each other.”

The fragility of the Peruvian State in terms of its state system and system of government is essential and insurmountable for this old State due to its conditions as a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country where an outdated and rotten bureaucratic capitalism evolves, this fragility is aggravated by the fulfillment of the three counterrevolutionary tasks, particularly its restructuring (reform or new constitution), its revitalization, which means aggravating the living conditions of the masses and, most importantly, confronting a popular movement in development and growing protest that has been generating in this five-year period a greater social overflow that seeks to satisfy its most elementary rights and demands in terms of the struggle for the seizure of power.

The old Peruvian State is sinking and will sink in repression and genocide, in its reactionary violence to maintain its outdated system and preserve the interests of the exploiters and imperialism, but in counterpart is the revolutionary violence which as part of history will soon shape the yearning of the Peruvian people for a new people’s republic of Peru.

For the proletariat and the Peruvian people the problem will be to sweep away this or any “new constitution” of the exploiters or any other as an expression of the old prevailing order, because none of these represent the most supreme interests of the class and the people, it will be by the action of the protracted people’s war led by the Communist Party of Peru under Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought that will grant a true constitution and can be achieved in a State of new democracy, in people’s war and under the omnipotent leadership of the Communist Party of Peru.

Finally, on September 24, 1992, Chairman Gonzalo established which were the urgent tasks that the party should fulfill: “we must strengthen the popular liberation movement and we will develop it through people’s war because the people, it has always been the people who have defended the homeland, who have defended the developing nation. It corresponds to form a popular front of liberation, it corresponds to form and develop from the People’s Guerrilla Army a People’s Liberation Army; that is what corresponds! And that is what we are doing, and that is what we are doing and that is what we are going to do! You will be witnesses gentlemen.”

We say to the proletariat and the Peruvian people:

Eternal glory to Chairman Gonzalo, leader of the party and of the revolution!

Raise, defend and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism Gonzalo Thought, mainly Gonzalo Thought!

Long live the Communist Party of Peru!

The People’s War will inevitably win!

Unite the people against the genocidal fascist dictatorship and pro-Yankee sellout!

Against repression and genocide! For the rights of the people and the People’s War!

Down with the Yankee imperialist, fascist and genocidal plan to destroy Peru!

Defend the homeland with People’s War!

Develop the popular road of liberation with People’s War!

We salute the first Maoist international conference and the founding of the International Communist League, a decisive step in the formation of the future communist international guided by Maoism!

Long live Maoism, down with revisionism!

Long live the heroic Peruvian people!