Long Live Maoism!: Resolution

Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru

August 1993

Celebration of the Centenary of Chairman Mao Zedong

“Maoism, embodying itself in the peoples of the world, marches relentlessly to lead the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution.”

- Chairman Gonzalo

Chairman Gonzalo, Leader of the Party and the revolution, continuator of Marx, Lenin, and Chairman Mao Zedong, in his historic and masterful speech on September 24th, which shines defiantly before the world, declares: “Next year will be the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao. We must celebrate these l00 years and we are organizing it with the Communist parties. We want a new manner, a celebration which will be the conscious comprehension of the importance of Chairman Mao in the world revolution and we shall begin the celebration this year and we shall finish next year. It will be a grand process of celebration.”1 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of Peru, with deep Marxist-Leninist-Maoist conviction and Gonzalo Thought, is undertaking this transcendental and strategic task with communist firmness and resolution. It calls upon the proletariat and the people of Peru, as well as the Communist Parties, the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, the international proletariat, and the oppressed peoples and nations of the world to carry it out and conclude it, raising high the great red banner of LONG LIVE MAOISM! intimately and eternally linked to the campaign to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo!

In its unceasing struggle to move from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom, humanity gave rise to the working class, and this class, with its inexhaustible and growing strength, has provided us mainly with Maoism within the framework of Marxism-Leninism, with which we will storm the heavens. This highest peak of Marxism was established by Chairman Mao Zedong, who was born on December 26, 1893, the son of peasants. After becoming a student and then a teacher, he became a great organizer of peasants and youth in Junan, his homeland. He founded the Communist Party of China and the Red Army of Workers and Peasants, laying down the path of encircling the cities from the countryside, developing the people’s war, and along with it, the military theory of the proletariat. As a theorist of New Democracy, he founded the People’s Republic, promoted the development of socialism, and led the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. These are milestones that mark a life fully dedicated to the revolution.

The First Congress of the Party agreed that the essence of Gonzalo Thought lies in having defined Maoism as a new, third, and superior stage, since Chairman Mao Zedong developed Marxism in each of its three integral parts: Marxist philosophy, political economy, and scientific socialism, making it a development of universal validity. Likewise, Chairman Gonzalo masterfully establishes that the core of Maoism is Power. “Power for the Proletariat, Power for the dictatorship of the Proletariat, Power based on an armed force led by the Communist Party,”2 and defines that “Maoism is the elevation of Marxism-Leninism to a new, third, and superior stage in the struggle for proletarian leadership of the democratic revolution, the development of the construction of socialism and the continuation of the revolution under the proletarian dictatorship as a proletarian cultural revolution; when imperialism deepens its decomposition and revolution has become the main tendency of history, amidst the most complex and largest wars seen to date and the implacable struggle against contemporary revisionism.”3 Furthermore, with profound historical insight, he establishes that Maoism is marching to lead the new great wave of world proletarian revolution that is coming our way, which is irresistible, and no force in the world will be able to contain it.

Chairman Gonzalo, by upholding, defending, and applying the universal truth to our specific reality, has generated Gonzalo Thought, a mighty weapon that guides the invincible people’s war under the leadership of the heroic fighter, the Communist Party of Peru, and the Great Leadership of Chairman Gonzalo. This has led to the flourishing of the New State, supported by the People’s Liberation Army through arduous struggles, as it sets course to achieve our immediate goal: the conquest of power throughout the country, establishing the People’s Republic of Peru. Two paths confront our homeland, one dark, the bureaucratic path sinking into the worst crisis in history, which will be completely demolished amidst the genocide it employs to defend itself like a wounded beast; and the other, the democratic path, a path of light and hope that has begun to develop as a popular path to liberation. Thirteen years of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought people’s war, which has entered the strategic equilibrium since 1991, clearly show the world and principally the Peruvian people the paper tiger essence of the Peruvian state. The people increasingly take on the task of preparing the strategic offensive by building the conquest of power. Precisely, the Party, leading the People’s Liberation Army, has just achieved a resounding success with the completion of the First Campaign “In Defense of the Great Leadership Against the Genocidal Dictatorship,” clearly demonstrating the greatness of the sixth and second to last military plan, “Building the Conquest of Power,” within the fourth Strategic Plan for the Development of the People’s War to Conquer Power.

From the above, we reiterate that the celebration of Chairman Mao’s Centenary is a necessity, of historical significance, with deep strategic content. It is a glorious task that aligns with the strategic offensive of the world revolution and the new great wave of the world proletarian revolution. It is inseparably linked to the campaign to Defend the Life of Chairman Gonzalo. We will populate the Earth with red flags waving high, bearing the slogan “LONG LIVE MAOISM!” They will wave joyfully to greet the Birth of Chairman Mao Zedong, a great titan of thought and action, an unfading luminary whose life pulsated until its end with the enduring light of Marxism, with the creative, omnipotent power of the masses, and the spirit of serving the people.

The celebration serves the International Communist Movement and the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement. Since Marx, we know that Marxism has not taken a step in life except in the midst of struggle, defeating ideologies foreign to the class and combating and crushing old and contemporary revisionism in the storm of international class struggle. Thus, it has been forged and developed more powerful, undefeated, and inexhaustible as the ever-living Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism. Therefore, communists, the proletariat, revolution, and Marxism-Leninism-Maoism face complex situations, especially since Gorbachev and Deng led a new revisionist counter-revolutionary offensive against Marxism and revolution, which later, in the collusion and rivalry of the two superpowers, turned into a new convergent counter-revolutionary offensive of imperialism, revisionism, and world reaction, leading to today’s general counter-revolutionary offensive that aims to counteract the revolution as the main historical and political trend. This offensive is led by yankee imperialism in its role as the sole hegemonic power and the great gendarme, a rotten giant with feet of clay. The general counter-revolutionary offensive aims to deny the ideology of the class through dark creations such as the “obsolescence of Marxism,” “failure of socialism,” “totalitarianism of the dictatorship of the proletariat,” “uselessness of the Communist Party,” which demonstrate the theoretical and practical incapacity of the bourgeoisie. In the midst of its intoxication with arrogant triumph and its anti-historical dream, it can only raise its rotten and tattered banners of neoliberalism, bourgeois democracy, and eclectic and idealistic pragmatism. Thus, this general counter-revolutionary offensive is destined to fail and is only a prologue to a new development and advancement of Marxism. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is the only undefeated and inexhaustible ideology of the proletariat. Therefore, upholding, defending, and applying Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is crucial to developing the world proletarian revolution, demolishing imperialism and international reaction, and crushing revisionism. And to be a Marxist today means to be a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, principally Maoist.

The celebration of the centenary is also based on the grand experience of the campaign carried out on the occasion of the 90th anniversary established by Chairman Gonzalo, which demands that we be more astute, more steadfast, and more demanding of ourselves by applying: “Fight the battle, and you will know how it is resolved.” It is our responsibility, therefore, to strengthen all our actions guided by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Gonzalo Thought, and mainly to develop people’s war with increasingly higher plans and more intense military actions, straining all our forces, fulfilling the task established for us by our Chairman Gonzalo, fully convinced that it will be an unforgettable milestone in our revolution and the world revolution, serving to place Maoism as the command and guide of the world revolution and to defend the Leadership by victoriously unfolding the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Gonzalo Thought counteroffensive, which will crush the general counterrevolutionary offensive led by yankee imperialism, the fiercest and most insolent of imperialisms, whose essence as a paper tiger will once again be evident.

The Communist Party of Peru greets the international proletariat, the oppressed peoples and nations of the Earth; expresses its salutations and gratitude to the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement which, fulfilling its role as a step in the reconstitution of the International Communist Movement, is carrying out the campaign in defense of the life of Chairman Gonzalo under a very expressive slogan: “Move heaven and earth to defend the life of Chairman Gonzalo!” along with Communist Parties, revolutionary and popular organizations, the international proletariat, and peoples from different parts of the world, through increasingly powerful demonstrations and military actions that show that Maoism is becoming more and more embodied in the peoples of the world and is “unstoppably marching to lead the new great wave of world proletarian revolution.” Communists have always fought to unite, and this Celebration should serve to unite us more based on the unity of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, world proletarian revolution, and the relentless struggle against revisionism; in summary, “Unite under MAOISM!”

Finally, in celebrating the Centenary of Chairman Mao Zedong with deep communist conviction, we reaffirm our solemn commitment to uphold, defend, and apply Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, principally Maoism! We tirelessly strive to contribute to making it the command and guide of the world revolution, the only deeply red and unfading banner that guarantees victory for the proletariat, oppressed nations, and the peoples of the world in their inexorable march towards golden and forever radiant communism.