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Foreign Languages Press [FLP] (And in turn, Redspark) have been intentionally omitted from the main sites list because of their leadership's complacency to right deviationism.1 We urge all supporters of FLP and Redspark to demand, expect and settle for nothing less than an outright rejection of the right deviationist lines spread by Joshua Moufawad-Paul and support of the glorious and genuine left lines upheld by the Communist Party of Peru, Communist Party of Brazil (P.C.B.), and the other organizations struggling for Maoism worldwide. They can and must do better. Foreign Language Press was once a glorious publishing house, but it hasn't been glorious for several decades.

RedLibrary recommends buying from Germinal Publications or printing your own PDFs with Lulu instead of supporting FLP.

1 https://redlibrary.xyz/works/strugglesessions/the-pseudo-intellectualism-of-joshua-moufawad-paul-regarding-critique-of-maoist-realism.pdf, see the Conclusion.