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RedLibrary is a digital collection of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist works.

All of the works hosted on this website will be in PDF format due to its reliability and ease of use. Some works will be available in HTML format, although the HTML versions are generally not as proofread as the PDF versions. Some works are for sale in physical form (usually paperback) on Lulu, and those works are listed here.

The main domain is redlibrary.xyz.

The alternate domain to bypass the blocks that Reddit and Instagram have on the main domain is redlibrary.info.

The most anonymous way to access RedLibrary is to visit it over Tor, using the Tor Browser, or optimally using Tails. These solutions are particularly useful for circumventing censorship and preventing malicious entities from seeing that you visited RedLibrary. RedLibrary briefly had an onion link accessible only to Tor users, but due to a server change it no longer has that.

Contact Email: redlibrary@protonmail.com [PGP KEY]. Do not send any sensitive or identity-revealing information. The attached PGP key is automatically added if you send an email from a ProtonMail (or Proton.me) email.

Internet Archive account: @RedLibrary

Twitter account: @RedLibrary_XYZ

Instagram account: @RedLibraryXYZ

I am not on any other websites or pages aside from the ones listed above. I am not affiliated with the "RedLibrary Podcast" whatsoever.

Donate with Monero (XMR) with the following address or QR code:

QR Code for a Monero Receiving Address

Donate through Patreon: @RedLibraryinfo

There are no benefits or perks to donating, it is completely optional. The main costs are domain renewal fees as well as the cost to purchase draft copies of physical books before publication.